Nanyang Chemical Products

Nanyang Chemicals offers a wide range of high quality products to meet your laboratory and industrial needs. From advanced laboratory instruments to pure chemical reagents, we ensure our products come from world-famous brands. Entrust your chemical needs to us for optimal results.

Grab The Best Deals on Reagents

Grab The Best Deals on Lab Instrument

Brown Bottle Blue Cap Lab Instument.webp

White Bottle Blue Cap Lab Instrument.webp

Sand Core Crucible Lab Instrument.webp

Porcelain Crucible Lab Instrument.webp

Ceramic Mortar Lab Instrument.webp

Measuring Cylinder Lab Instrument.webp

Grab The Best Deals on Industry


Trisodium Phosphate.webpCaustic Soda.webp

Citric Acid.webpChemical Cleaner Alkaline.webp
